What is Quality by Design (QbD) for Optimization of Finished Formulations

Quality by Design (QbD) has revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry, and the way manufacturers develop and produce finished formulations. This systematic methodology emphasizes product and process understanding, risk management, and continuous improvement, making it increasingly crucial for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Quality expert Joseph M. Juran introduced the concept of Quality by Design (QbD). This systematic approach to pharmaceutical development has gained importance over the past few decades. Although other manufacturing industries began applying QbD in the 1980s, the pharmaceutical industry adopted it in the early 2000s. In 2004, the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) introduced QbD as part of its “Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century”; initiative. Subsequently, the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) incorporated QbD principles into its guidelines, particularly in ICH Q8, Q9, and Q10.

In this blog, we will explore how Quality by Design principles optimized  finished formulations, also known as finished dosage formulations or finished formulation products. We'll discuss the core principles of QbD, compare it to traditional approaches, and examine its benefits for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Traditional vs. QbD Approach

Pharmaceutical development relies on specific approaches to ensure medication safety, efficacy, and consistency. Here, we explore the two main methods: Traditional and Quality by Design (QbD).

Traditional Pharmaceutical Development:

This method relies heavily on trial and error, focusing on testing the final product to ensure compliance with specifications-

  • Empirical approach: Based on a limited understanding of cause-and-effect relationships within the manufacturing process.
  • Fixed manufacturing process: This method lacks flexibility and doesn't account for inherent variability in production environments.
  • Testing to comply with specifications: The focus remains on ensuring the final product meets pre-defined standards, without necessarily explaining why it meets those standards.
  • Focus on end-product testing: Manufacturers primarily assess quality after production which limits the ability to prevent issues upfront.

QbD Approach (Quality by Design):

In contrast, the Quality by Design approach utilizes science and data to proactively understand and control the entire manufacturing process, leading to built-in quality. Let's take a look at it:

  • Utilizes Scientific Principles and Data Analysis: This method optimizes the entire process using scientific principles and data analysis.
  • Flexible Manufacturing Process within Design Space: It allows for adjustments within a defined range while maintaining consistent quality.
  • Built-in Quality throughout Development and Manufacturing: Proactive risk assessment and control strategies integrate throughout the entire lifecycle, ensuring built-in quality.
  • Focus on Process Understanding and Control: A deep understanding of process variables prioritizes understanding how process variables influence the critical quality attributes of the product.

Core Principles of QbD for Finished Formulations

The core principles of QbD create a robust framework for optimizing finished formulations, ensuring consistent quality and performance. Pharmaceutical manufacturers develop products that meet the highest safety and efficacy standards by focusing on design space, risk assessment, and control strategy.

1. Design Space

Definition: The multidimensional combination and interaction of input variables and process parameters that assure quality.

Key aspects:

  • Identifies Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs): Developers identify the key attributes that ensure product quality.
  • Determines Critical Process Parameters (CPPs): They determine the parameters that significantly affect the CQAs.
  • Establishes Acceptable Ranges for Variables: They set acceptable ranges for these variables to maintain quality.

Example of a tablet formulation:

  • Critical Quality Attributes: Dissolution rate, hardness, and friability.
  • Critical Process Parameters: Compression force, granulation time, and particle size distribution.

2. Risk Assessment

Objective: Identify and evaluate potential risks to product quality throughout the development and manufacturing process.


  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams
  • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

Examples of risk factors for finished formulations include:

  • Raw material variability
  • Process parameter fluctuations
  • Environmental conditions during manufacturing

3. Control Strategy

Definition: A planned set of controls derived from current product and process understanding to ensure product quality and performance.


  • In-process controls
  • Real-time release testing
  • Process analytical technology (PAT)

Example of control strategy for a liquid formulation:

  • Monitoring viscosity during mixing
  • Near-infrared spectroscopy for content uniformity
  • Statistical process control charts for fill weight

Advantages of Using QbD

Implementing QbD in the development of finished formulations offers a multitude of advantages that extend beyond regulatory compliance.

1. Improved Product Quality

  • Enhances consistency in finished formulations
  • Reduces batch-to-batch variability
  • Improves understanding of formulation and process interactions

2. Reduced Development Time and Costs

  • Fewer failed batches during development
  • More efficient scale-up process
  • Potential for continuous manufacturing implementation

3. Regulatory Flexibility

  • Facilitates easier post-approval changes within the design space
  • Potentially reduces end-product testing
  • Improves communication with regulatory agencies

Quality by Design has revolutionized the approach to developing and manufacturing finished formulations in the pharmaceutical industry. By emphasizing a thorough understanding of the product and process, QbD enables pharmaceutical manufacturers to create more robust and consistent finished dosage formulations.

The future of QbD in pharmaceutical development looks promising. With the continuous growth of technology, we can expect several advancements:

  • Increased Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in QbD Processes: Companies will incorporate AI and machine learning more extensively in QbD processes.
  • Greater Adoption of Continuous Manufacturing Techniques: The industry will adopt continuous manufacturing techniques more widely.
  • Enhanced Use of Predictive Modeling for Formulation Optimization: Predictive modeling will play a larger role in optimizing formulations.

By embracing QbD principles, pharmaceutical companies not only meet regulatory requirements, but also drive innovation, improve product quality, and ultimately deliver better outcomes for patients. As the industry continues to evolve, Quality by Design will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of finished formulation development and manufacturing.

About ZIM Laboratories 

ZIM Laboratories Limited is a therapy agnostic & innovative drug delivery solution provider focusing on enhancing patient convenience and treatment adherence to drug intake. We offer a range of technology-based drug delivery solutions and non-infringing proprietary manufacturing processes to develop, manufacture, and supply innovative and differentiated generic pharmaceutical products to our customers globally. At ZIM Labs, we provide our customers with a comprehensive range of oral solid value-added, differentiated generic products in semi-finished and finished formulations. These include granules, pellets (sustained, modified, and extended-release), taste-masked powders, suspensions, tablets, capsules, and Oral Thin Films (OTF).


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